An unconventional tale…
Watercolor art and portrait rendition by Max Romey / Trailbound Sketches
Hello, I am Jennifer L. Langille (you can call me Jenn), and I graduated from the University of New England in Biddeford, Maine with degrees in marine biology, medical biology, and minored in art history.
Education aside, this life has taken me on many unique journeys. By trade I am a scientist and after college worked in the field of biomedical research. I’m a curious spirit and while I love an intriguing hypothesis and the hunt for answers to big questions — my heart requires creativity.
Furthermore, my soul requires connection to nature. Long hours spent in labs with no windows inspired a significant shift in career and lifestyle. I tapped into a childhood passion for water, adventure and travel. Stepped away from a very successful career in science to chase my childhood dreams to sail around the world.
I have yet to actually sail around the world. Though I have been blessed with over a decade of opportunities within the global sailing community. Working closely with incredibly talented sailors from all walks of life and from all across this precious planet.
While it did not lead to my perceived childhood dream, the experiences leveraged my academic training, professional skills and creative aptitude. The people helped reshape my vision of what was possible for this one life. This resulted in a complete shift in career, and a life I never envisioned for myself.
For most of the last decade and a half I’ve been a professional photographer with a heavy focus on photojournalism. Much of that work covered daily life in Vermont, college and high school atheltics, and adventure sports. Exciting work that made for privileged days spent almost completely outside.
Just prior to the global pandemic I felt a calling to do something different with the camera. Not knowing what the near future would bring, I took a very risky chance and left my otherwise “picture perfect” career to pursue a passion project. This decision changed the very course of my life, which was further amplified by the impacts of Covid-19.
Like so many others, my career and life’s path required an overnight pivot. I reconnect with a set of skills I had not exercised since high school — watercolor painting. What began as a playful challenge to help explore my creative needs at that time, became an unplanned journey into being a commissioned watercolor artist.
Creating art for others was (is) a beautiful path to travel. What a blessing it’s been, and it turned the darkness of uncertainty into a colorful path that led to creating new connections and friendships. Furthermore, it has also allowed me to nearly (more on this in 2024) complete the passion project that required risking it all for an unknown outcome.
In the present day, while I am completing outstanding commissions for the most gracious and patient clients (I’m so slow!) — I no longer accept commissions and nor will I be taking commissions in the future.
This unconventional professional and personal journey has come full circle, and I have returned to the best parts of my academic and real world experiences. We think we know who and what we will become when we “grow-up,” and I am living proof that if we are open to unexpected and unplanned events — it can be better than expected.
Presently I am transitioning into a new role as a documentary film producer under the guidance of Alaskan filmmaker and artist — Max Romey. Where I support him with research and development, editing and production of impactful environmental stories. The work has reconnected me to my academic roots while leveraging all that I’ve learned as a photographer, journalist, and artist.
We have wrapped postproduction on my first producer credit — Footprints on Katmai. Premiering Spring of 2024. I couldn’t be more proud and grateful to all who have supported all facets of this journey. Never did I ever imagine life would present such an opportunity.
If you read this far, thank you for your time, and I hope some part of my story inspires you to live your’s fully. Embrace the unknown. Believe in yourself. Have faith in knowing you will land where you are intended to be. It may take time, but that time will be well spent.
Social media is something I do not prioritize. However, when I do contribute, it’s typically fun behind-the-scenes of life as a working artist living on a farm. @jennifer.langille
✈ Based in Upstate New York